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Our Team

We are a team of 200+ dedicated consultants, teachers and tutors who inspire students to find their direction and reach their full potential. 

Beyond the core team in Hong Kong, we also have consultants based in the UK and the US.

Jennifer Ma
Founder & Managing Partner
Jennifer Yu
Founder & Managing Partner
Marybeth Hodson
Senior Partner & Director of US Boarding School Admissions Counseling
Roger Dinh
Director of US University Admissions Counseling
Ruby Fu
Assistant Director of UK Admissions Counseling & Specialist Instructor (Physics)
Taylor Coplen
Senior US Consultant
Angus Hsu
UK Admissions Consultant (Medicine) & Specialist Instructor (Chemistry, Biology)
Victoria O-Young
Senior UK Consultant
Alan Cai
Senior US Consultant
Emily Chen
US Admissions Consultant
Cara Chen
US Admissions Consultant
Ryan Leung
Senior US Consultant
Clarissa Lee
UK Admissions Consultant & Instructor
Yumi Tsang
UK Admissions Consultant
Catherine Chung
Senior UK & HK Consultant
Jessie Wat
Senior UK Consultant
August Lam
School Admissions Consultant
Grace Lan
US Admissions Consultant
Paul J. Tines
Arts Portfolio Admissions Consultant
Leif Riddington
US Admission Consultant
Jonathan Blease
Enrichment Lead and English Instructor
Billy Chiu
Enrichment and English Instructor
Jason Wong
Enrichment and English Instructor
Zara Leung
Enrichment and English Instructor
Sandeep Kamal Chulani
Debate Instructor
Alexander Yu
Head of English & US Test Prep
Alex Wong
Assistant Head of Sciences
Lee Fan
Chemistry & Reasoning Instructor
Albert Sun
Mathematics, Economics & Accounting Instructor
Teresa Fung
English Instructor & Curriculum Developer
Alex Szeto
English Instructor
Wilson Liu
Mathematics Instructor
Andrew Yip
Mathematics Instructor
Tarek Schoehl
Mathematics & Physics Instructor
Arthur Cheung
Biology & Enrichment Instructor
Gordon Liu
Mathematics Instructor
Stephen Ross
Physics, Mathematics and Science Instructor
Francis Au
Geography & History Instructor
Nathan Lee
Mathematics Instructor
Derek Lam
Mathematics Instructor
Amy Burry
English Instructor
Gabrielle Lau
English Test Prep Instructor
Kai Wilkinson
English & Psychology Instructor
Iris Cheung
English & Mathematics Instructor
Haven Lee
Humanities Instructor
Acube Ma
Mathematics Instructor
Barnabas Lai
Mathematics Instructor
Angus Choy
Physics Instructor
Tim Chan
Physics Instructor
Aafra Zarnaz
Science Instructor
US & UK Test Prep Online Instructor
Jimmy Joe Ni
Business & Economics Online Instructor
Oscar Kong
Psychology, Biology & Test Prep Online Instructor
Steven Glaser
Geography & Chemistry Online Instructor
Russell Pointin
Mathematics Online Instructor
Hanan Rimawi
US Test Prep Online Instructor
Vivian Yuen
Psychology Instructor
Eugenia Ng
English Language & Literature Instructor
Rachel Ling
English, Literature and Psychology Instructor
Jason Tse
Mathematics Instructor
Eric Meikle
English Literature & US Test Prep Instructor
Hugo Sun
Mathematics Instructor
Gemma Liu
Mathematics Instructor
Anita Shum
Founder | Mini Mandarins
Tian Wang
Senior Instructor | Mini Mandarins
Lianna Lee
Senior Instructor | Mini Mandarins
Ivy Yiu
Senior Chinese Early Childhood Educator

Andrew Yip

University of Oxford
Mathematics Instructor

Andrew Yip graduated from St. Anne’s College, University of Oxford in Mathematics and Statistics (B.A., M.A. Oxon) before he obtained his master degree in Risk and Stochastics in the London School of Economics. Prior to joining Oxford, he has won a number of prizes in different Mathematics competitions including getting into the top 100 in the British Mathematics Olympiad (BMO). After his graduation from LSE, he worked in the actuarial and trading industries for a few years before returning to Hong Kong.

Andrew is passionate about teaching Mathematics and preparing his students for admissions into top UK universities. He is an official examiner of international examination, a top tutor for A-Level / IGCSE / IB Maths, and Further Maths, and a Maths competition coach who himself was the recipient of many accolades. He assists his students regardless of what stage they are at since his aim is to help them make progress straight away.  

Andrew had worked in London and gained in-depth knowledge guiding students from Asia on admissions to Oxford and Cambridge. He had accepted numerous invitations to conduct interview preparation sessions and mock interviews in Singapore and Malaysia. He finds coaching students in writing personal statements and sharing his top tips with students very rewarding.

Living in Hong Kong for the past seven years, Andrew finds satisfaction in giving his students confidence and skills they need to succeed in their studies.

Andrew enjoys traveling and he has visited more than 20 countries during his time in the UK. Ask him to share with you his many journeys and also about living in the UK.

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