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Brand Yourself for Admission to Top US Boarding School | Workbook
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Brand Yourself for Admission to Top US Boarding Schools: 5 Key Steps for International Students

With over 10 years of professional experience in educational consultancy and having successfully placed hundreds of international students to the most prestigious American boarding schools, Marybeth Hodson and Jennifer Yu Cheng are expertly positioned to walk you through the complexities of boarding school admission. 

Throughout this insider’s guide, they unveil a special five-step approach to determining and getting admitted to a best-fit school, affording parents and students a better understanding of what boarding schools seek in an ideal student and how to brand yourself as THE ideal candidate.

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My Boarding School Plan Workbook:

April 2021
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Boarding Schools: All You Need To Know

Victoria Davies Jones & Jennifer Ma

It took 14 months of research, 60+ school visits, 500+ interviews, and finally, Jennifer Ma and Victoria Davies Jones launched their book “Boarding Schools: All You Need To Know” at IFC Dymocks in Hong Kong on May 9, 2014!

Reflecting on our past 12 years of milestones, seeing our team grow from 2 to 200+ dedicated consultants, teachers and tutors in Hong Kong, the UK and US; we can only anticipate an equally if not more exciting journey in the coming years and more!


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